Age of Empires Series Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Game mode: Random Map: Location: Cenotes: Map size: Normal: Resources: Standard: Population: 200: Starting Age: Standard: Ending Age: Standard: Treaty Length - Victory THIS IS THE BEST 1v1 MAP POOL SO FAR. For every player in the map, there will also be a Maya or Aztec (Zapotec in The WarChiefs) settlement near the player's starting position.

Aoe2 malay bug mod#
To report a player, please post in the CS Complaints section.Cenotes map aoe2 \Voobly Mods\AOC\Data Mods\WololoKingdoms\Script.Rm The mod includes a nerf to slinging: Base tribute tax percent is increased from 30% to 40% It's an open rushing map with a standard set of resources. Once you click the "Start the game!" button you are agree with Host rules! It's your duty to keep play with fair settings. Sheep noCrashAi uses allowed for Sheep to gain team bonuses.
Aoe2 malay bug full#
Aoe2 malay bug Patch#
Wolves will come out from cave 5 min (real time) later.įind all sheep and catch 'em all for win!Īt the 1.9.0 patch I added the editable version to the mappack. To win, kill all wolves, even before they capture all sheep on map. But be aware that there are no nearby wolf! If you lose all your sheep, then your buildings and units will destroy, and you will get a captured sheep front of Wolf cave. Run away, and find good place in forest, where you can defend yourself. Hard wolves: -20% extra wood and gold from food. Normal wolves: No extra wood and gold from food. Easy wolves: +20% extra wood and gold from food.

Hard sheep: Starts with 200 wood and 100 stone. Normal sheep: Starts with 500 wood, 150 gold and 300 stone. FREE cartography, wheel barrow and Feudal age. Easy sheep: Starts with 800 wood, 300 gold and 500 stone. When it was decided who will be the hunter, next step is set the difficult: All player can be hunter, and host allowed to put random wolves. conquest if don't wanna allow wonder winning